As a kid, I played
Played on the streets I roamed
Roamed on the streets with friends
Friends were the people with whom I laughed
Laughed in the parks where I ran
Ran like with my feet so small
Small was the life as I rewind
Rewinded the tape which I loved
Loved were the cartoons which I saw
Saw my 1st crush as she smiled
Smiled like a princess then so pure
Pure was when once I lived
Lived my life with no tensions
Tension was the mark card from the school
School started when summer ended
Ended was my life as a kid as college started
Sometimes, I really miss the days when my pocket money used to be 2 rupees and I still didnt know what to buy in the canteen.. in my primary school. And by the end I used to buy for a rupee and gave the other to dad as he came to pick me up on his bike in the evening.
Childhood is very awesome, very pure, very precious and very small.
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