nature91 :- Coconut trees (day#2 of 91)


Coconut trees

here i used Kodak m531 and manipulated it using paint.

P.S:- Post posted under nature 91

Nature 91 :- Dawn (day#1 of 91)


featuring the early morning dawn!!!
here i used A495 and I manipulated it to some extent using M.S. Word.

p.s:- Post posted under nature91

DaD The ArChitEcT Of My LiFe...........


Of all the men in the whole wide world
Whose praises are sung out loud,
There is no man whom I respect more
Or of whom I am more proud.
Throughout the years you’ve worked so hard
to provide us a happy life;
you’ve been there to help and give advice,
and you did it all without strife.
You are a source of strength and of support
Right from the very start.
A constant readiness to help
in a kind and thoughtful way.
With encouragement and forgiveness
No matter what comes your way.
A special generosity and always affection, too

p.s :- got some of the lines from google........

BlUe waTeRs...................!!

Portrait of blue waters covers by lush green forest

caught during the dusk of a sunny day !

photographer :- jaynthbusi-photography

A BeAuTiFuL IsLaNd SiLhOuEtTe........!

A beautiful pic of an island in taken during the dusk.....
with the golden rays touching the warm waters

                                                 photographer :- jaynthbusi-photography
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