BlUe waTeRs...................!!

Portrait of blue waters covers by lush green forest

caught during the dusk of a sunny day !

photographer :- jaynthbusi-photography

A BeAuTiFuL IsLaNd SiLhOuEtTe........!

A beautiful pic of an island in taken during the dusk.....
with the golden rays touching the warm waters

                                                 photographer :- jaynthbusi-photography

ThoRnS Of CeBiA TrEe................!

Thorns of Cebia tree.......

One of the trees that have thorns on their trunk....
To protect itself from animals.....

photographer :-jaynthbusi-photography 

GoLdEn RaYs Of OuR StAr SuN.................!!

Photograph of  sun rays during sunset.....

its just like golden shower on earth ! isnt it ?!

photographer :-jaynthbusi-photography

CuTiE WhItE FloWeRs......................!!

Three beautiful flowers....
how cute are they
even in the darkness they reflect themselves white

we have to learn a lesson from this picture...
"even in a world with dark souls the good ones shine"

photographer :-jaynthbusi-photography 

TO My FrIenD ThAt Am MissSiNg................!! :(

Many days are yet to come
And many years are yet to pass
Now that we are apart
I can see you in my solitary heart

Disasters are there to happen
Everything happened is just for our sake
Violence is built to last. But,
I will never forget you in my course

Beware of the teenage drug…!
Experienced is saying just for your own goodness
Zeus even fell in love it seems
According to me it’s all trash
Wish I were there in front you
As a friend when you are in hermitical place
Divinity is only in god’s way! No,
An exception is our eternal friendship I say.

                                                                                        -jaynth busi
  (Written to my best friend whom am missing now
           Her name is hidden in the poem. Say it if you can!!!)

AwAiTInG For RaIn...............


awaiting with a million eyes
for just a water of rain
but cant even see a sight
of a small cloud

Its life
not a movie

photographer :-jaynthbusi-photography  

PoMegrAnTe BuD........!!

pomegranate bud....!

see how awesome it is....... wow ! fell in love with it..!

photographer :-jaynthbusi-photography
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